Sunday, February 28, 2010

Tragedy at the Ritz, Part 1 (warning, a lot of reading to follow)

I wanted to thank all the blog followers including the 9 who have joined since Friday. I really appreciate it and hope you are enjoying the blog. There are now 17 followers!

Anita's and my 7 year anniversary is tomorrow. I can't believe it. My friends probably can't believe that I haven't found a way to screw it up yet. Miracles can happen, believe me, I convinced Anita to marry me, right?

So, during my last post, I mentioned a tragedy that occurred with Anita almost 11 years ago. It was the night that Anita met me. So, during the first 7 months of 1999, I took my favorite Minnesotan, Prince seriously and partied like it was 1999. I had spent the decade of the 90's involved in 2 consecutive long term relationships. I ended 1998 a newly single man determined to take the new year by storm. The storm was called Hurricane Jason. There were many weddings and bachelor parties to attend, many drinks to consume and many ladies to, well, reject my advances. I was in accounting at the time, so lines like "I would like to depreciate your assets" or "I am taking inventory and I need to tag your ass" didn't fare too well. Let's say I had a great time trying though; I was like a lion on a hunt, a drunk, wordslurring lion. Speaking of lions, if I were a lion and I started a band, I think I would call it "False Pride". Anyway, all of these fun times led up to a wedding on July 31st at the Ritz Carlton in the Tyson's Galleria Mall. On that fateful evening my friend and the daughter of a prominent dentist in our "pride" was getting married.

The ceremony took place in the ballroom at the Ritz Carlton, so a group of like 15-20 of my guy friends and myself took our seats somewhat close to the back. We watched as people trickled on, always keeping an eye out for a hottie walking in. Most of the group were involved in a relationship, but hey, it never hurts to assess your options, right? I think my friend Shankar was the only married one. He happened to hoodwink a hottie into dating him and married her as quickly as possible. Eventually, this extremely hot chick walked in that none of us had seen before. All of our heads turned at once and I may have even let a groan slip out. She had long brown hair and was wearing a dog collar along with a hot looking Indian outfit. It was Anita ...

Stay tuned for part two in my next post


  1. :) Too funny...I like the dog collar part...Neens may kick ya for calling her lovely jewels a diggity dog collar :)

  2. Wow! This might be the first ever compliment I've gotten from you in the history of our 15+ year friendship. Nice, I'll take it! And that at least earns my following of the KIRITS blog!

    Yeah, I remember this fateful evening like it was yesterday. How Shankar so tactfully described the "Hot Dog Collar Girl" and all you guys salivating; later to be chronicled in Shankar's toast at your wedding, otherwise known as Shankar's "Drunk-ass Ode to Anita"! And yes, we have all wondered if you're a better magician than David Copperfield and cast a 11 year spell on Anita similar to the one he cast on Claudia Schiffer! Or you created the mother of all rufees that hasn't worn off yet. Either way, keep it going and don't screw it up!

    Happy Anniversary with many more to come!
