Friday, February 12, 2010

SnowCaps (warning: crass language and crude references may occur)

So, obviously the whole world has heard about the snow that the Washington, DC area got over the last week or so, right? If you haven't heard about it, you most likely reside in a cave where the only cable choices may be Fox News or Al Jazeera.

My friend bought tickets to last Fridays Caps game vs. the Atlanta Thrashers. When the tickets were purchased, it looked to be a promising guys night of watching the Caps beat up on the Thrashers and then 6 married, Indian dudes were going to terrorize single women in the area outside of Verizon Center with great lines like "what can brown do for you?" Ok, we really wouldn't have tried to hit on chicks, but we definitely would have had some drinks and some laughs at each other's expense. However, we decided not to risk driving in the snowstorm and eat the cost of our tickets. The Caps won their 13th in a row that night. I had sent Ted Leonsis (caps very accessible owner) an email asking him to help us out with at least a ticket exchange. He responded with basically "suck it, 16K people showed up and it was fun". I had no problem with that response because one the guys that was going with us basically called the rest of us a slang term for female genitalia. It rhymes with the movie "Octopussy". This brings me to the next discussion of one of the most important aspects in the guy friend relationship: the freedom to call each other by varying terms for female genitalia, ailments of the female genitalia, as well as multiple terms to denote a love of same sex relations. Do females have a similar vernacular? [ Sorry, I used the term vernacular because Anita and I saw someone describe the son of Easy E with the following: "his vernacular is bananas"]

I am proposing a new term for guys to replace terms such as Vagina McVaginastein [a part scottish, part jewish vagina?], gaylord, fagmalian or vaginosis in reference to a guy "wimping out". It is OBE, not Overcome By Events, but Overcome By Estrogen.

I have more to discuss about the snow as well as a lot more items ... I am trying to keep these posts semi-brief. Give me some feedback. I can definitely make them longer.

1 comment:

  1. I asked all my women friends and they all said the term they us to describe a wimp is a Jason. For instance "Stop being a Jason and grow a pair. Do that shot girl."
    who am I kidding I have no friends let alone girl friends.
