Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I apologize for skipping the subject matter that I originally promised. I do hope people enjoyed my Super Bowl Blog. I appreciate my 7 followers as well as anyone else who has read so far. This blog site doesn't have a counter so that I can see how many people have read. Either way, I am going to continue blogging. Eventually, I hope to expand to include multimedia, maybe even a podcast and/or short films.

I stayed home from work today because of the snow, so I got to spend 12 straight hours with my daughter Ivana. So we were trying to get her to go to sleep because she didn't have a nap today and she was kind of half crying so we started to sing a collection of songs including "Twinkle, Twinkle ..." and "You Are My Sunshine". She actually interrupted us during a rousing duet of "You Are My Sunshine" and said "Guys ..."
Nothing more needed to be said. She wanted us to shut up so she could get to sleep.

I am sure you have been waiting with bated breath to hear of "Shunky's Teat". So here goes ... I have a friend named Shankar. He was the first of our group of friends to get married and a close second in having his first kid. I was talking in an earlier post about how things that you say tend to come back to bite you, so when Shankar first had his kid, we would hang out with our group of friends and eventually try to get our drink on. However, Shankar seemed pre-occupied with holding his son and semi-worshipping him. I used to joke that he couldn't drink with us because he was busy breastfeeding his son. We even created a drinking game where everyone would have to drink every time that Shankar picked his son up and brought him to his teat ....

Eventually, we had our daughter Ivana and since then, I can't keep my eyes off of her and I tend to hold her and hug her and show a lot affection. This also occurs when we are hanging with our group of friends and therefore, I have become the subject of the drinking game. This is one example of how jokes tend to have a way of coming back and biting you.

I have a lot of material to get through with the snow, the Caps, the snow ... so I will have more posts very soon.


  1. All I can say is that this is the finest example of "what goes around comes around" and needless to say both you and Shankar are 100% OBE (formerly known as suffering from "vaginosis")...

    No worries though. Next time I head to Victoria's Secret, I'll pick up a couple of lovely lace bras for you both.

  2. Meera, don't worry, another example is forthcoming
