Monday, March 29, 2010

Naming Conventions

In keeping up with this blog's tradition of recognizing emerging entertainment trends, The Keepin' it Real in the Suburbs Executive Team is announcing something so stupendous, that you may not be able to handle it:  a NEW REALITY BLOG (for now).

Keepin' it Real in the Suburbs Studios Presents, in association with Fat Bastard Productions, in partnership with M Night Shamalamadingdong:

Keepin' it Real in the Suburbs Naming the Baby!!!!   A new reality blog (for now) that will chronicle the trials and tribulations in the Haymarket Vettickal Household relating to the naming of their baby with audience participation in the form of voting on names.

I am in talks with Anita about whether she will let me turn it into a Web Video series.  I am going to need my reader's support in convincing her.  More readers and followers would mos def sell the cause.  If WE are able to convince her, I think my cousin, M Night Shamalamadingdong will consider directing the Web Video series.   Although, I am not too pleased with the "surprise ending" in the film he directed of Ivana's birth .... [I knew the gardener seemed to be spending a little too much time around the house, i mean the landscaping looked like "Edward Scissorhands" had been there].

Don't forget to send in your questions by tomorrow night to  I have like 47 questions so far and I plan to answer every single one of them.

I leave you with this ....

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