Monday, March 22, 2010

I'm Jack Bauer and I'll Smack Your Terrorist Butt (spoiler alert: don't read if you are not caught up with season 8)

We have been watching the show "24" for about 6 years now.  We caught up on the first two seasons with Netflix.  We have been hooked since the first time we saw it.  We are now in season 8 and tonight is the 13th hour.  If you haven't watched "24" you are really missing out.  I know it can be a little over the top with the silly side stories and unbelievable fast pace, but it's literally can't miss TV for 24 straight Mondays every year.  Season 13 involves more Indian guys playing the roles of terrorists on U.S. soil.  Anil Kapoor, who played the "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" host in "Slumdog Millionaire", plays the President of the Islamic Republic.  He seems to get betrayed by everyone close to him.  It's sad, that if you are an aspiring actor of Indian descent, your options are to be a terrorist on "24", a screw up intern on "Scrubs" turned screw up local gov't worker on "Parks and Recreation" or even a doctor with a British accent on "ER".

All times are "24" time
4:00 AM:  CTU hit by an EMP.  They are probably the worst run Counter Terrorist organization ever.  Bubba Gump is playing the CTU Director ... figures
4:01 AM:  First Dana Walsh sighting.  So frickin' annoying.  She reminds me of a pouty Ann Coulter.
4:03 AM:  Hero Jack Bauer is driving Freddie Prinze Jr. around NYC and calling in favors
4:04 AM:  Terrorist meeting in an abandoned warehouse area.  Weird, I don't see any hookah pipes or kabobs
4:06 AM:  Daughter of Islamic Republic President still believes her boyfriend Tarun is good, but based on the last two episodes, the only thing he maybe good at (to her) is in bed.  he also has like a 14 pack of abs.  I didn't notice, but I do believe Anita noticed.
4:08 AM:  Shocked that one of the terrorists is named "Ali"
4:08 AM:  Jack and FP Jr. have night vision and are about to get blown up
4:10 AM:  Jack and FP Jr. getting shot at from all angles, yet are evading in their SUV.  SUV not starting now.  Jack FP Jr. and young kid CTU agent are fighting back.
4:11 AM:  Tarun recognizes that they are up against Jack Bauer, one of CTU's best agents.  Really Tarun????? "One of the best agents"????
4:12 AM:  Tarun and lead terrorist are escaping on motor boat.
4:12 AM:  Commercial break; Hot Tub Time Machine yeah!
4:16 AM:  Arlo, the CTU nerdy horndawg analyst briefs Bubba.  I think Bubba is wondering what kind of shrimp he should sell when he gets fired from CTU
4:17 AM:  NSA is here to help and it appears a pissing contest about "who's in charge" is about to begin
4:18 AM:  Chloe, super computer CTU analyst has her first social disorder outburst
4:20 AM:  Nerd talk in the server room.  "System buffers, subnet blah blah blah"
4:22 AM:  Oh boy, Renee Walker, crazy woman is back on.  Anita and I call her "Howdy Doody"
4:28 AM:  Jimmy James from "News Radio" and "Milton" from "OfficeSpace" playing a Probation Officer who is on the trail of the annoying Dana Walsh, who is not who she says she is.  I think he is also looking for his missing stapler
4:30 AM:  Oh jeez, Chloe just pulled a gun on the NSA agent.  Nerds gone wild.  In her defense, she did propose a solution to the problem first.
4:31 AM:  Jack trying to get to an emergency phone with the help of FP Jr. and 2 other agents
4:35 AM:  C'mon guys?  Don't you know, you listen to Jack when he tells you to do something?
4:39 AM:  First appearance by President Hassan and his wife Morticia
4:52 AM:  Situation is dire at the abandoned warehouse site.  Jack is down to him and FP Jr. with Howdy Doody on the way.
4:53 AM:  Jack is shot and one the ground and down and about to get shot in the head.  Lucky for him, Howdy Doody shoots the terrorist.  Jack had a vest on luckily too.  God loves Jack Bauer
4:56 AM:  Ann Coulter, I mean Dana Walsh walking around all pouty goes to confront Milton.  Maybe she should offer him some cake to get him to go away
4:57 AM:  Um, Ann Coulter, I mean Dana Walsh is strangling Milton for him.  No cake for Milton yet again.  Further evidence that women be CRAZY
4:58 AM:  It appears that Ann Coulter Dana Walsh is working for the terrorists.  I think it's a record 8th straight year that a CTU has employed  a double agent.

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