Friday, May 7, 2010

Tummy, Tummy Why You Buggin'?

You are probably wondering why you haven't heard from me in over 3 weeks.  You may think I took a hiatus or something silly like that.  The truth is that I was suspended from writing my blog by the KIRITS executives after receiving a complaint from Rev. Al Sharpton.  Apparently, the award winning blog post:  

When Keepin' it Real in the Suburbs Goes Wrong (Politically Incorrect statements may follow) , led the Rev. to believe that I was passing judgment on a certain ethnic group with my characterization of the two fellows who took "chillin'" to an almost professional level.  I just want to set the record straight.  I did not specify ethnicity as I figured it was a well known fact that the act of "chillin'" is universally loved.

Now that we have gotten that out of the way, let's move on.  Recently, our family contracted a stomach bug that wreaked havoc on our household.  I started calling my bowels Tiger Woods because it had "loose" morals.  It was a situation where if someone asked how you felt you could say:  "I feel like crap ... no, really I feel like crap, excuse me for a bit."  See, there are a lot of haters out there who live in or near the city who make jokes about being out here in the burbs.  But you know what we have a lot of in the burbs????  COSTCO'S!  TGFC (Thank God For Costco) because if I hadn't re-upped our supplies at Costco pre-stomach bug, we would experienced a Code Red TP Emergency.  There are benefits to having a stomach bug.  You can lose like 4-5 lbs. in less than a week, so that really helped me towards my goal of being in "pool shape".  Sorry neighbors, you may finally witness the wooly mammoth at the pool this summer.  Maybe I will get Alase so I can help prevent the spontaneous spewing that will occur upon seeing me at the pool.

Well, we eventually recovered from the stomach bug and decided to "Keep it Real in the City" with a couple of friends.  It's quite a production to get us out to downtown DC, so it was an auspicious occasion.  One of the friends chose a venue called "Againn" which happens to be a British Isles style bistro with organic locally grown food.  I know, sounds awful, right?  Luckily, they also had beer.  So .. the Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA's kept flowing and the bland, but organic food was consumed and the "Keepin' it Real in the City" was reaching critical mass.  The atmosphere in the restaurant was nice but if I had to give a thumbs up or thumbs down to the food, I would give it the finger ("Hollywood Shuffle" reference).  After dinner, we retired to the bar area where more beer was consumed and I even drank half a Jack and Coke (bad idea).  I don't if I was still not completely over the bug, but I was at a point where I could not speak.  Well, I could speak, but it would have sounded like I had swallowed my tongue.  

Eventually, we headed home.  Of course the pregnant wife was driving.  It was pouring rain outside and it was about 2AM.  I woke up while we were on Rt. 66 and told Anita to pull over.  It was either the fact that I had drank a lot that night, or the fact that I was still getting over a stomach bug, or the fact that my body was rejecting the pure organic meal that I had eaten earlier, or the fact that I wanted to display my true feeling for the road known as "I-66".  Maybe it was a combination of all those facts, but I violently threw up.  Anita was screaming at me from the car as she didn't want me to get hit by a car.  I also almost fell into a ditch.  She considered just leaving me there but I eventually returned to the car.  

I want the readers to know that I am back and will be posting regularly once again. So please check back often and please forward to others if you feel it is worthy.  I would like to add to the 27 followers (it says 28, but I have my doubts that there are two people with the exact same name following the blog).

As always, LYL (Love you Lots) and Keep it Real.

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