Wednesday, June 9, 2010

[Not] Too Much Time On My Hands

We are less than 2 months away from adding to our household, gaining another tax exemption as well as loads of responsibility.  Are we ready?  Hecksticks no!  You know what though?  We will make it work; we always do.  You know why?  Because we are keepin' it real in the suburbs.  I can't believe it's true but this blog has healing powers, it can make your life better and solve all of your problems.  It's odd that people haven't realized it by now.  

We are expecting a girl and have narrowed down the names to just a few.  We have not prepared for the possibility that the doctor might have identified the gender incorrectly.  In fact, when we found out, the technician walked out of the room for a bit and Anita said it is possible that if it's a boy that they might not have been able to see his "junk" due to his genetics.  Ouch, that hurt.  I think everyone is hoping for a girl because at this point, I am sticking to my guns on a boy's name of "The Edge".  I have the distinct feeling that my girl name choices of Josephine Gibbs Vettickal or Alexandra Ovechkin Vettickal will not prevail.

So many things to do before Baby #2.  We need to decide what magazine will publish the first photos.  We have so many offers ...

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