Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Heart of Stone

In the course of this last week, our daughter, Ivana  has started taking showers and sleeping in a big girl's bed in her new room.  In the course of that same week, we have learned of her ability to manipulate us with a few simple words:  "Ivana hungry" and "help Ivana".  She uses the "Ivana hungry" when she knows we are about to take her up to go to bed.  "Help Ivana" is a little more complicated.  She uses it when she doesn't want to go to bed or if she is trying to get out of bed.  Last night, we made her sleep in her new room in the big girl bed.  She cried and protested with "help Ivana" for at least 20 minutes, but we decided to follow through and not relent to her crying.   I realized at that point, that the "sleep scheduler, book following cult" must have hearts of stone.  To be able to hear your kid cry for that long and not do anything!  It was difficult, but we knew we had to temporarily turn our hearts to stone.  I also realized, in defense of the "sleep scheduler, book following cult", the kid will still love you when they wake up in the morning.

I'm trying some new things to generate more readers as the facebook thing isn't working out too great.  So bear with me.  I did some research and realized that maybe the posts are too long, so I have a poll out there to see what you all think.

1 comment:

  1. Have a heart of stone... it pays off after a week. This coming from the mommy who lets her 7 and 9 year olds sleep wither her every weekend. I get no sleep as they roll around and kick, but I can't say no when they ask!
