Saturday, March 13, 2010

Breaking News .... Press Release From Keepin' it Real in the Suburbs, Inc.

World reknowned blogger, Jason Vettickal issued a statement regarding the speculation and rumors circulating the internet. Vettickal has been contemplating retirement for the last week due to a number of personal issues. The stock market is eagerly awaiting the decision as the parent company of, Google could see a severe sell off if Vettickal retires.

The statement follows:

"The pressure of the last month and a half has been at times, overwhelming. The sudden celebrity status that accompanies the blogwriting prowess that I obviously possess, has been tough for me and my family to handle, due to my humble nature. Dinner for 3 at Ruby Tuesdays is no longer a private event with autograph seekers and paparazzi following our every move. A weekly trip to Costco and/or Wegman's equals having to dodge the common people and amateur cell phone photographers. The major advertisers have been knocking down my door and blowing up my cell 24/7 (last 5 words were for my younger readers). The pressure to 'sell out' has been weighing heavily on my mind. In order to resist that temptation, I contemplated retirement. In addition, my desire to return to a normal life with my family was a factor. Finally, the fact that our family is expecting an addition in early August, has increased my responsibilities at home. I have 21 million loyal followers and have had at least 750 million page loads. I like to multiply things by a million. Unfortunately, my expert mathmeticians and economists that I consult with at Fox News and MSNBC informed me that 21 million divided my 1 million was 21 and 750 million divided by 1 million was 750. In a previous post, I stated that 'I wanna be adored'. I added a poll to the site this morning asking whether I should retire. The answer was a resounding NO! In fact, it was a landslide. The final tally: 10 million to 0. Therefore, I have decided NOT to retire and to continue entertaining the masses. There may be some changes to the layout and content, but my goal as always is to make sure everyone is entertained. I only ask that if you do read and enjoy the blog, please pass the site address along to friends and loved ones. I really do appreciate all 21 million of my followers as well as all who have visited the blog. I want to earn more followers and visitors with good content and many LOL's.

Keep it Real,


1 comment:

  1. I had a whole comment. Which I lost because I clicked too vigorously in my zeal to reply. It amounted to: Don't quit. I like having a fellow blogger because it is such difficult work, blogging for the masses. I would have replied sooner, but I was wearing my watch upside down and I thought it was a different time...all day...
