Sunday, March 14, 2010


I want to get some housekeeping out of the way.  The blog now has an email address for people to send comments or suggestions or even questions.  One of the new weekly blog topics will be a "mailbag" where I will answer questions from my loyal readers.  The email address is:  I even created a Twitter account, but I will get to that in due time as I am still trying to get with the times.  I started writing this blog by carving on cave walls.  I am going to start posting more often, so please check the blog for new posts.

I am sure you were riveted by the tale weaved in the 2 part post: "Tragedy at the Ritz". What you might not know is that the story didn't end at the Ritz. By the end of that fateful evening, I had acquired the phone number of the hottest dog collar wearing dentist that I had ever met. I was positively giddy the next day. "Positively giddy" is the word I use for wickedly hungover. I am a glass half full guy. In dating, I guess there is a playbook that states that you wait at least a few days before making the first phone call after phone number acquisition.  I like to call audibles like Peyton Manning, so I called her the very next day she answered but was speaking to me in a hushed tone.  She was in a movie at the time.  She called me back after a few hours informing me that she had been watching "Eyes Wide Shut".  I remember thinking to myself, "jeez, what a perv".  We spoke for a while and eventually set up a first date.

I was working on pricing a proposal at the time and it involved a lot of late nights, so one of those nights, I decided to take a break and go out on our first date.  I believe it was the Tuesday after the wedding.  She had spent the day getting her hair done and getting dolled up.  Unfortunately, for her, I chose to be casual and wore one of my signature outfits from Structure (my whole closet should have been sponsored by Structure):  Jeans and a short sleeve v-neck shirt with a white shirt underneath.  I know, really?  WTF?  We met at the Union Street Pub in Old Town Alexandria.  She had informed me that her cousin was there with her and was having a drink. He was essentially her "bodyguard" and would judge whether I was worthy.  I arrived at the bar area and saw her and her bodyguard/cousin.  Um, if I had to pick an actor that shared his physique, I would have to go with Jude Law.  However, Anita looked unbelievable and in what still remains a common theme with us, I felt like a D-bag for my attire.  Bodyguard/cousin approved and we were permitted to commence our date.  We were shown to our table and I lucked out when we were shown to a curved booth table.  Pretty romantic setting.  Dinner and conversation went well except for the fact that I had decided to leave all my baggage on the table for her including going over my previous relationship.  She must have thought I was a little cuckoo, but I pressed on.  There was a method to my madness.  I had already determined that she was "the chosen one" and I wanted her to know what she was getting into (my pants of course ... ha!).  We finished dinner and decided to walk to the water and ended up sitting on a bench and chatting for at least another hour.  It had been a great night.  I walked to her car and we said our goodbyes.  I believed that we both wanted to progress to a second date.  Boy, was I in for a surprise!

The surprise in the next post ....

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