Sunday, February 3, 2013

Clubber Lang and Drago

The last time a posted a blog entry was February 5th, 2012 for the Super Bowl.  I only wrote through the halftime show.  I don't think it was well received and it clearly was not my best work.  I felt at the time that I was "mailing it in" so to speak.  Here's the thing, I really take pleasure in at least trying to make people laugh and smile.  When I started the blog back in 2010, I gained some momentum in the first few months and then started to fizzle right about the time that Isla was born.  What follows now is not an offering of an excuse, but moreso an explanation as to what has happened since that point.

After our first daughter, Ivana was born in 2008, we kind of learned on the job how to be a parent to an infant and then toddler.  We definitely heard from a lot of people with advice and tips and we appreciated all that.  I am not going to lie to you, it was never an easy undertaking, but the reward cannot be measured.  People asked if we were going to try for another and I definitely answered that we can barely handle one, so we're going to hold off for a while.

Woman! Hey Woman!
Fast forward to the Fall of 2009 and we found out the great news that we were expecting another little one.  This is where things began to unravel.  [spoiler alert if you haven't seen Rocky 2] If you saw the movie Rocky III, it starts out with a montage of Rocky's life after his defeat of Apollo Creed at the end of Rocky II.  He is defending his title against creampuffs while accumulating wealth and comfort.  Meanwhile, there is a young up and comer that is also winning fights named Clubber Lang.

You see, we thought we were ready for a 2nd kid and we had gotten a certain level of comfort in our lives.  However, little did we know that Clubber Lang was coming to take our title and send our life into a spiral.

When Isla was born, there was obvious joy and we were excited about the addition to our family.  There were signs though that we were headed for a showdown with and epic beatdown by Clubber Lang.  The taunting was beginning:
Clubber Lang: [Calling to Adrian; Smooth talks] "Hey, Woman. Hey, Woman! Listen here. Since your old man ain't got no heart, maybe you like to see a real man. I bet you stay up late every night dreamin' you had a real man, don't ya? I'll tell you what. Bring your pretty little self over to my apartment tonight, and I'll show you a real man."

Obviously, Clubber Lang had a lot more memorable quotes, but I think you get the point.  The foreshadowing was there.  Like Clubber Lang, the 2 kids were going to pummel us, take our title and send us into a downward spiral.  It happened.  

So for the last 2 years, we have been surviving.  Rocky III has segued into Rocky IV with the kids quoting Ivan Drago saying "I must break you"  and sequences where we're driving around thinking about our life with "There's No Easy Way Out" playing in our heads.  

Eye of the tiger
There is some exaggeration in this and I can tell you that we wouldn't trade this time for anything.  We are getting close to the really awkward beach hug scene in Rocky III between Apollo and Rocky.  We are ready to take on Clubber Lang and I am ready to produce the greatest blog posts ever.  I hope you will read and enjoy.  

1 comment:

  1. Strange connection between your kids and Rocky III. While I don't particularly get it, glad to see you are back and looking forward to seeing what you have stored for in the future.
