Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Some people do walks or races or biathlons or even triathlons for charity.  I have decided to do something even more grueling than all of those:  the 2010 Washington Capitals Beard-A-Thon!!!!!   

Here is the link where you can go to find more information as well my profile where you can pledge tax deductible donations.  I am not going to pressure you to pledge though.  

I shaved my goatee on Monday morning so I could start from scratch.  I will update my picture below with the beard progress every week at the Blog.  I realized why Anita likes the goatee better after I had shaved it off on Monday.  For some reason, the goatee helps create an optical illusion of a less ginormous nose.  Now that I am clean shaven, I can truly appreciate the monstrosity that resides on my face:  My Nose.  I also understand why the Chin family that also resides on my face, always complain about the tower blocking their view.

During this time, I will have to avoid traveling as I highly doubt I will be allowed to board a plane once my beard starts getting out of control.  I apologize in advance to all my fans as I will not be able to make any celebrity blogger appearances outside of the DC area.

Anyway, I hope that you will support the cause either by pledging and/or keeping up to date with progress of the beard.  I also hope you watch the Caps make their run to bring home DC's first championship since January of 1992.  


  1. Just wanted to remind you that DC United has brought several championships to DC since 1992.

    Let's go CAPS!!!

  2. That is a good point and I will definitely make that correction in my next post. My El Salvadoran readers will be pleased

  3. Oooooooh! Vamos United!
    United! United! Vamos United!

    Vamos a El Tamarindo después de la victoria de United or Caps.
