Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl XLV Blog Part 2

9:01 PM:  Rashard "Butt Man" Mendenhall with a good run 
9:05 PM:  Rashard "I Humped My QB" Mendenhall scores a TD.  What school did he go to?  Oh yeah, Illinois.
9:07 PM:  How appropriate ... a MiniCooper "Cram it in the boot"commercial right after Rashard "Cram it in the boot" Mendenhall scores a TD
9:08 PM  Mad props Sal Giunta, Medal of Honor recipient
9:10 PM:  C'mon White Chocolate. I know you were afraid of getting decapitated, but c'mon Jordy
9:11 PM:  uh oh, Steelers defense is heating up
9:13 PM:  Adrien Brody crooning to a glass of Stella
9:16 PM:  Anita makes her first comment regarding if I played football and how I would need butt implants
9:17 PM:  Tackle by Desmond Bishop "Tutu"
9:18 PM:  Suisham, 52 yd attempt ha!  Has Tomlin ever watched film of his kicker????  I'm sure he was busy in his other job playing a doctor on "House"
9:20 PM:  Dang Eminem, two commercial for 2 different products.  Although the Chrysler commercial was awesome!
9:23 PM:  This is the ugliest matchup of QB's since Peyton Manning vs. Rex Grossman

9:24 PM:  Fair catch by Antwan Randle-El.  The Skins paid about $100K/each for about 300 of those in 5 years
9:35 PM:  "Cram it in the Boot" fumbles on the first play of the 4th quarter on a hit by Clay Matthews
9:38 PM:  Looks like the Packers have given up on the run
9:39 PM:  Another drop by Jordy Nelson.  Great follow up on 3rd and 10 with a catch and run!!!!  That's why he's White Chocolate
9:41 PM:  Touchdown Greg Jennings!  Aaron Rodgers is the man!  Let's just call him the ARod that can come through in the clutch.  The other ARod was getting fed popcorn by Cameron Diaz in a luxury box.
9:47 PM:  Big Ben marches the team down the field for a TD.  Mike Wallace is fast.
9:50 PM:  I'm finally live.  3rd and 10 Green Bay 5:59 Left.  Clutch throw and catch ARod to Greg Jennings!  Woot!
9:52 PM:  Finally a running play for the Pack.  14 yards and another first down
9:53 PM:  James Jones holds on for his 2nd big catch
9:56 PM:  If Big Ben engineer a TD drive with 2 minutes left down 6 points with one timeout, he will become legendary.
9:57 PM:  I hope Big Ben just stays a legendary creep
10:01 PM:  Kim K. makes me take a puff of my inhaler in Shape Ups commercial, right after Bradley Cooper made me take a puff of my inhaler in "Limitless" trailer
10:05 PM:  Green Bay takes over on downs with 49 seconds left.
10:05 PM:  ARod should be the Super Bowl XLV MVP!!!!!   Great game Packers and Steelers!

Super Bowl XLV Blog Part 1

One of the most popular blogposts ever was last year's Super Bowl 44 Live Blog.  So I thought I would try it again this year.  It's going to be a little backwards as I was managing both girls by myself for the first half.  I actually got to watch the first quarter and part of the second quarter before Ivana decided to request Scooby Doo.  I am definitely rooting for the Packers.  Maybe it goes back to a fake news article that I wrote at work about 10 years ago that said that the Green Bay Packers were purchased and moved to Hershey, PA.  I'll leave it up to you to guess what the new name would be ....

Anyway, I'm starting with the second half this year.  Times will be off because I'm using the DVR.

7:45 PM:  Enjoying traditional Super Bowl fare of Thai food.
8:30 PM:  Ivana is asleep, I am heading downstairs
8:42 PM:  Watching an awful Fergie rendition of "Sweet Child O Mine" ... Axl Rose must be turning in his grave .... oh yeah, he's still alive.
8:43 PM:  Thankfully, it's over, but it's still the Black Eyed Peas performing live.  I think they are more of a studio act.
8:46 PM:  Wait a minute ... Usher might save this POS Super Bowl Halftime Show
8:47 PM:  Super Bowl Half Time Show on life support and Usher does the splits to try to resuscitate it.  8:49 PM:  Red people in heart shapes dancing in unison.  Must be the BEP's commie message.

8:49 PM:  BEP are trying to ruin another classic "Time of My Life", Jennifer Grey's old nose is rolling in it's grave.
8:50 PM:  I'm trying to contain the throw up and is coming up from this show.
8:52 PM:  The score is 21-10 Packers at the half
8:52 PM:  Troy Aikman is getting a divorce and the rumors about him being gay persist.
8:53 PM:  Anita sees a shot of Brett Keisel and asks if it's Ben Rothleisberger
8:54 PM:  Really????  Charles Woodson is out for the 2nd half????  Big loss!!!!
8:56 PM:  Emmanuel Lewis [Sanders] is out for the Steelers.  Pretty good tradeoff.
8:57 PM:  Jordy Nelson is white chocolate dawg
8:58 PM:  James "Drop it like it's hot" Jones
8:58 PM:  Tim "Num" Masthay with the punt for the Packers
8:59 PM:  Refs trying to hook it up for the Steelers again with a phantom facemask call

Ok, I'm going to post and continue with Part 2