Saturday, January 30, 2010

Traffic and Driving

It snowed today in the DC metro area. We also happened to have to run 46,373 errands today. Therefore, we had the privilege of sharing the road with the "talented" drivers of this area. Please forgive me if I jump back and forth in time, but the traffic and driving in this area is awful. Can I also give a tip here? DON'T DRIVE LIKE A DOUCHE IF YOU HAVE PERSONALIZED LICENSE PLATES! It's much easier for someone to find your car and punch you when you get out.

Have people gotten too lazy to use turn signals? How hard is it to lift up or push down the lever to indicate that you are changing lanes or turning? Another thing: Why do people speed up when they see you are trying to get into "their" lane? I know you pay taxes like we all do (except for those awesome laborers who do cheap work for cash), but you don't literally own the road. Also, The people that merge at the absolute last moment possible need to go hunting with Dick Cheney.

I will stop with this last one, as I am becoming aware that I sound like an incontinent 83 year old man. We were walking back to our car with our daughter at the mall garage and I noticed that a Jeep Commander had pulled into the spot to the right of my car at an angle. It was close enough, that I made it difficult to put my daughter in her carseat. I noticed that the vehicle had a sticker from a certain school that explained everything to me.

In my next post, I am going to discuss my 21 month old daughter's very specific music playlist.

Below you will find the url to a funny list from GQ magazine.